Free phone consultation?

Is your child?

-having meltdowns and tantrums

-screaming and hitting

-having separation anxiety

-whining and sassing

-fighting with you about screen time

-having issues with social skills

Schedule a free consultation if you want help from Marnee to regain control over your child’s behaviors, learn what appropriate consequences are for your child and improve confidence in your parenting skills!

If you need more information before using the online appointment scheduling screen, free phone consultations are available as well. To schedule a free phone consultation, call (206) 679-1409 and leave your name, phone number and Marnee will call you back to discuss any questions you have about logistics in a home visit, how to call and check your insurance coverage for behavioral health counseling, or if you just want to get a sense of Marnee’s personality before she shows up at your front door to help you!

Phone consultations happen on Monday afternoons, so if you had a tough weekend of parenting challenges, you are in luck! Chat about it and get some clarity on whether Counseling For Kiddos will meet your family’s needs.
